Friday, August 8, 2014

What is FanBox All About? 0-day Power User Feature

Now Launching: 0-day Power User Purchases
Effective immediately, ALL users are able to pay 100% of the cost of their Power User subscriptions with their 0-day profits (i.e. the money that they earned yesterday).
There are several features involved with this new functionality, so let’s go through each of them below.

Power User Earnings Accelerator
Now that every member can afford to become a Power User, they are able to earn more at a faster rate…
they are able to do that using less outside money since they can also pay a percentage of their IPL fees with their 0-day profits.
Clearly, everyone will want to be as high of a Power User as they can afford to be – because then they can accelerate their earnings faster than ever – and worry much less about how they will afford it.
To help members maximize their earnings, FanBox has released the Power User Earnings Accelerator feature.
Here’s how it works:
At the top and bottom of the Power User page is where your Power User settings are located.
Now Launching: 0-Day Power User Purchases 
By clicking on the settings button, you will see the option to turn your Power User Earnings Accelerator “ON” or “OFF.”
Now Launching: 0-Day Power User Purchases 
By turning your Power User Earnings Accelerator “ON,” you will maximize your earnings by upgrading your Power Level as soon as your profits allow.
What is so great about this feature?
Based on my calculation, a brand new user -- without any earnings at all -- will be able to become a Basic Power User and increase their earnings at a faster rate…
…then, within just a few days, become a Yellow Power User – using ONLY their earnings…
…then, again in just a matter of days, use their earnings again to become an Orange Power User…
…so on and so forth until…
… are you ready for this?
…they become the highest level Power User only 3 - 4 months after becoming a FanBox member – meaning that they:
1. NEVER used a penny of their own funds to become a highest level Power User, and
 2. Can then pay 100% of their IPL fees using their (0-day maturity) earnings, and
 3. Can earn thousands of dollars each month.

My own calculations show that a user could earn more than $100,000 in only their first 12 months, just by posting quality items daily, and building their network…
…using very, very little (only a few hundred dollars, at the most) of their own outside funds during that year to pay the small % of IPL fees they would need to pay with outside funds (because they’ll be able to pay most IPL fees with 0-day earnings)…
…and already be generating serious profits by the end of their first year – profits that they could choose to cash out, spend in the growing marketplace, or invest in any number of opportunities to even further accelerate their earnings.
Then, with that year 1 foundation, their year 2 could be simply astronomical – keeping in mind the network power they will have gained by being a high level Power User for most of that period…
…including gaining likely tens of thousands of fans and friends – who will be lining up to hear their guidance and advice, share their posts, buy the items they are selling or Sponsoring, as well as pray and wish for their continued success.
Simply put, the sky becomes the limit when you can become a highest level Power User within just a few months – when you don’t need to pay for those Power User subscription costs from outside funds – and when you can pay almost all your IPL fees using those increased earnings.
It really is unbelievable what you’ll be able to accomplish for yourself and your family…
…and what we can do together towards successfully accomplishing our mission of uplifting people around the world.

Power User Subscription Settings
In addition to controlling your Power User Earnings Accelerator, you will also have the ability to upgrade, downgrade, or get a full refund on any automatic subscription purchase you have - within 72 hours of that purchase.
This ability is great for people that have their subscriptions renewed, but were looking to upgrade, as it allows them to add the amount of their subscription purchase towards that upgrade (i.e. a Green Power User upgrade would only cost $50 for someone that just re-subscribed to an Orange Power User subscription).
Now Launching: 0-Day Power User Purchases 
New Users Are Automatically Power Users
Last, but not least, to further stimulate the community, all new users will now be provided a complimentary Basic Power User subscription the moment that they join the community.
That means that with the Power User Earnings Accelerator, new users will have the ability to become a highest level Power User even faster.
As a Teacher, this is a great advantage that your students will now have to begin succeeding from day 1.

Now that everyone can easily afford to be a Power User, the next step is to make earning even easier so that we can work towards accomplishing our mission at a faster pace.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

FanBox Reviews And Success Stories

Does FanBox Really Work? Read these FanBox reviews and success stories from FanBox members around the world.
To learn even more about what is FanBox all about, visit

Does This Really Work?
Annette Bantila
"It was so exciting when I got it in my hands and I said to myself It was true!"

Does This Really Work?

@ Katherine C
"I just want to show that FanBox never fail to pay"

Does This Really Work?
Sweet Chriz
"I just can't wait to tell everyone that I received my FanBox check!"

Does This Really Work?
Le Thanh Kong
"This the proof my earning from FanBox even it is still small amount, but it helps me a lot in my life."

Does This Really Work?
"FanBox is real! FanBox does pay!"

Does This Really Work?
"I hope this will inspire some of my friends out there and family friends specially those who still in doubt...FanBox is real."

Does This Really Work?
Rocker Lee
"This was the moment I knew FanBox was real and they pay."
Does This Really Work?
Zoe H
"I am so grateful to FanBox for creating such a unique opportunity for so many of us to earn money, donate to charity, make friends and share our stories and writing with others."

Lueda Towery
"Thank you FanBox" Now I am one of the believers that FanBox is for real. I received my first paycheck today that I requested a week ago."

Mharz Sios-e
" I received this check April of 2011. This was the second check I received. I am so happy that I am earning from simply sharing what I love to do."

Gloria Calzita
"Friends and Fans and to all who are looking for proof that FanBox pays.  Here's my 4th cash out made a week ago and I received it via PayPal. And I want to take this opportunity for thanking FanBox and staff for giving me the opportunity here in FanBox to earn and explore."

Melanie J
"Have you received your check yet? I have received SIX payouts, and I never really expected it. I just love to write, read and study. There is no place on the web like FanBox."

 To view hundreds more testimonials from people who have cashed out click here.....